13th Entry, June 12th 2008

The opening during 1st Friday's event in Albany was a great amount of fun and a success. I kind of went in knowing from other people that it was going to be a busy event but it was literally packed.

Alan Ilagan, art director and fellow exhibitor, did an excellent job and was quite a wonderful host. I was honestly proud to be a part of it. Being a moderately awkward person with a shy streak it's difficult to come into a new and social situation. Add to that attribute talking about something so personal as one's creative work.

Because people, lets face it, there are so many ways to be awkward lol. For example, I was already dressed and literally at the front door about to enter the gallery when I was stopped on the street by a man with his dog who smilingly said, "now that is a BLUE shirt." I then realized that you could probably spot me from space in it lol. He wasn't being insulting, just observant and once I thought about it I found it hilarious. A decade ago I would've searched for a store or well placed rock lol.

Anyway, it took some "training" so to speak to become assertive and I'm always learning more. When Rachael (my assistant) and I walked inside the greeter, Bonnie, made the task all that much easier. She was warm and inquisitive setting a fun and casual comfort which lasted the rest of the day.

Here are some more photographs, the show will be there all month it is at the Romaine Brooks Gallery on 332 Hudson Avenue in Albany off of Lark Street. The gallery link is right here: http://www.romainebrooksgallery.30art.com/index.php

Alan and I at the Gallery, the piece "Reminds me of Eric" is to the right

Rachael, my assistant, and I in front of the space (see what I mean by it being a really "blue" shirt lol)

The following photographs are of the pieces which are currently at the Romaine Brooks Gallery. For more information on their availibility please contact Alan Ilagan at (518) 462-6138


"Past That comes Between Us"

"Reminds Me of Eric"


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