27th Entry, November 29th 2008, Angelic Series part 9
14x11 inches on cotton canvas
as commissioned by Mr. James Beck
valued at 890 Euros, 1,074 US Dollars
receipt number 1994756320
Everyone has an Angel
Here is the story behind Remahlkraeil
Once Upon a time when all the world was covered with the most beautiful of creations, Angels became separated.
You see, there was a momentum of creation then and so it was, as it was known by all that could be known so as a gift and guide there were special ones, like seeds scattered amounst the Earth, the Sea and Blue Green Jewel - and to each of them - from those that were left - were assigned an Angel to keep up the Garden of Humankind.
One for the right shoulder, and another for the left. Of all of the Angels there 14 that stated their gifts were at the mercy of all of creation, there are 9 left today still here with us.
The most powerful of which are Obian (brown), Cerah (yellow), Remahlkreil (red and gold), Taurmaline (blue and violet) and Pheonas (silver and pink).
The littlest Angels
We have come so far and know so little as a species. However although I am a simple and often silly tool in the hands of these elements I trust, I take comfort in knowing I am not alone.
The unremembered Ms Dottie Rambo was quoted as saying, "The Greatest gift that I have ever come across is the ability to sing, it's as though I'm not the one even singing. I just get so full up it has to come out somewhere. . . ."
one hell of a lady in all her awkward glory, just simple and good and wouldn't hurt a fly
as a simple aside I offer my readers this story
In a Q&A during one of my lectures I was asked by a young music artist, a rather seemingly angry young man, "Why do we [humans] exist?". My agent was at the microphone at the time however I couldn't resist to answer the boy so I promptly stood up from my chair, walked to the microphone, and asked him his name.
I answered him in the following statement, "We as a species exist because we are the ones who are charged to take care of it all, organise it all or destroy it all - the same power that makes villains can make heroes, the choice is individual. The key is to remember that there is a power within each of us that makes us all unique and it is the ability to create in our own ways that makes us special. There is a garden within us, above, and beyond us and it is not exclisive - it lies within each of us." - ver batum folks, and I have it on video too lol
He promptly shut up and sat down. His name is Eric and I still speak to him this very day from time to time. He's actually quite successful and still quite angry lol.
Life is really quite precious and also both quite complex and fragile.