29th Post - 1st Series Reveal For 2010 "Waiting"

"FADE" 18 inches by 12 inches
#2 of 7 in the 2010 "Waiting" Series by Patrick Gorman Pettis
* a teenaged boy exchanging video games for store credit at the mall
Its difficult to be consistent in a world that is constantly changing,
though I have to state it isn't the "world" so much as the daily on goings of our own human society which requires our adaptability to be pushed so far to the extreme.
though I have to state it isn't the "world" so much as the daily on goings of our own human society which requires our adaptability to be pushed so far to the extreme.
There's always something else, and the challenge then - even if subconscious, is to find comfort within uncertainty.

The 2010 series "Waiting" was created because I understand that we expect that others are too busy to pay attention or perhaps we are too busy in our own heads to pay attention to others. During our public moments, especially when we are forced to wait - we often let our minds wander or we get wrapped up in our frustration. Our faces will give our thoughts away and often unknown by our own selves those expressions give a much deeper meaning to anyone within eye shot.

Each of these pieces are based on people who in one way or another were simply waiting - either in a line or alone, in various situations. Unsolicited photographs were taken of each person using my personal cell phone then - with permission of that person ;) a modern impressionist style piece was created. I used a high gloss paper made in the 1960's that isn't even reproduced anymore to finalize each concept. Every individual image has its own "world" that I hope you can appreciate given the story of each moment that image was motivated toward inception.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the artwork. Feel free to comment as you wish, please allow 48 to 72 hours for response to any general correspondence. To order any of these pieces or view some of my other artwork simply visit my online gallery as listed above.