42nd Entry - 2013 Past Life Series, Part Four

For example: think of bread, wine, a cross and the number 12 or poker chips, a roulette wheel and a flashing neon sign, maybe a tomato, garlic and oregano - - these mean things assembled in our minds, in an order they produce a larger image a definition that as a whole is much more detailed and in depth and greater than the items themselves individually.

youve done this immediately you will notice your mouth began to
salivate, producing enzymes specific to that image, your body has
reacted as if it was really happening, you have with your mind set off a
physical reaction that was not there before, you have changed your
reality by that stimulus, mind over matter.

As I mentioned in a previous post, once the tincture is applied faces and images appear within the palms and I am simply there to take note. The piece in a way paints itself and most of the time I am there much like a secretary taking dictation. I think this happens to allot of people in any creative realm, the story writes itself, the notes begin to play, the room comes together, the piece just makes sense and flows. Each of the paintings in this series hold letters from the actual person's name but they are re-assembled so that when I go public with the painting the person's identity is protected. I got this idea from Anna Madrigal in Armistead Maupin's 'Tales of the City' and thought it was a lovely idea.
While painting Esme Barde one of the first faces I saw was a male indian, I just loved him, though a small image as highlighted in the photo. One of my favorite Indian Tribes are the Pomo, they lived in the Sea Ranch California region undisturbed until the year 1812. The Pomo life was engorged with philosophy holding highest their ideal "Do not do anything you do not truly want to do". Their environment made so few demands in that area they could even enjoy saunas living on a rich diet of salmon, crab, abalone, clams and mussels along side sea otters in the fog shrouded coast line.
Along that concept the background of the piece was developed. Orchids were later added because to me, being an ancient flower, they represent a timeless beauty, an ancient formula that still works. I used the number 4 (four orchids) as a way to balance the piece, in contrast to the Pomo tribe who would simply burn their house if it was dirty and build a new one. People with a Life Path number 4 are the worker bees of society. If your Life Path is a 4 you are determined, practical and hard working.The number itself is that of cerebral order, "a place for everything and everything in its place." Home is their haven, and if their home environment appears sloppy and unkempt, it effects them.
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"Past Lives of Esme Barde" part of the 2013 Past Lives Series |
This is consistent with my entire body of work. For example, with "Past Lives of Alan Eddy" before the palms went down on canvas I thought of
the person they belonged to and what a huge heart he had for those around him. I've often thought that a loving heart is like a home with many rooms. If this were the literal case surely this man's kingdom heart would be a mansion. A mansion with great windows allowing the world around him in all of its green to meet gently the world within. There is a love for life and laughter combined with a child like enthusiasm for fun and so I imagined inside of this mansion children would be playing.
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"Past Lives of Alan Eddy" part of the 2013 Past Lives Series |
Where in this instance, intensity is the letter 'I' where I0 is the light intensity before the interaction with the particle, R is the distance between the particle and the observer, θ is the scattering angle, n is a refractive instance of the particle, and d
is the diameter of the particle. This in a way is the mathematical
statement on how we are able to see a sunset. Its such an unconventional
way to think, art and math have always been imaged on opposite sides of
the brain but I dont agree, I think math can be beautiful and be used
to explain beauty in a way unique to its own methods.
Adding to that the
spiritual relevance of light I wanted to include, like I often do, some
sacred geometry. What is sacred geometry? In the ancient world certain
numbers had symbolic meaning, aside from
their ordinary use for counting or calculating these carried even more
emotional value than the
numbers themselves. Traditional wisdom
holds the universe to exist because of a profound harmonic order. The
contemporary faces of Sacred
Geometry are
called: Design Science, Fractality, Invariance-scale Physics, Phi
Recursiveness, Hyper-Harmonics, Self-Similarity & Quantum
Geometry, you can look any or all of these up if you'd like there's
plenty of research available on them.
"Past Lives of Bane Stott" part of the 2013 Past Lives Series |
Thank you so much for reading this entry. I really hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have in writing it to you. Its not easy trying to make sense of the madness which is otherwise known as my creative process but I do hope you've had fun in witnessing my attempt. Although each end result is different every time, these are the layers that I place lovingly into each piece and maybe so that brings you just a bit closer when you look at one of my paintings or makes you look a bit longer. If it does that then I'm happy to have shared it with you. I'll have just one more update on this series next week, so feel free to stop by and take a look. Until then, more later.